Friday, April 16, 2010

Put your thinking caps on!

Does it seem odd to you, in this day and age of IPADS and digitalization, land rovers on Mars and men in space stations, that we are still putting high rise building fires out with water and people are still dying in coal mines?

Both of these approaches are hundreds of years old. In all that time am I to believe no one ever had a better thought?

Recently there was a fire on the eighth floor of a ten story condo building in Boston. The fire damaged that particular unit but the water used to douse the flames ruined everything on seven other floors of the building. No one has thought of a better way to handle this?

People died in coal mines in China and West Virginia. Poisonous gases exploded. A real cynic told me the deaths didn’t cost the mines anything. New approaches would surely cost more. I can’t believe that is our only motivation. How else could we get coal efficiently and safely from underground?

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Be kind. I'm so old a snide comment might be the end of me!