Friday, March 5, 2010

I don't understand you, man.

A buddy sent an e-mail asking why I presume to think that anyone would care to read a blog posting about my meditation or exercise routines.

I thought the postings were interesting, I guess. I blog mostly because doing so amuses me. I do enjoy it if someone responds, even if they can’t understand why I write what I write.

Look at it this way. I live alone. My blog postings are like my end of a casual conversation with friends. This helps, I think, to limit the amount of talking I do to myself when I have a thought or want to try some idea out with someone or I simply want to tell someone what I am doing these days. You know, when I feel like talking about something and there isn’t anyone there to listen.

I don’t want this to sound pathetic. I don’t feel put upon at all by my circumstances. I like living alone. I take great pleasure in deciding what I will do with every minute of every day. I was married for almost 40 years and wouldn’t change that for anything. But now, at this point in my life, given circumstances I can’t control, I enjoy my time alone. Blogging helps with this.

So, bite me!

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Be kind. I'm so old a snide comment might be the end of me!