Thursday, February 11, 2010

The War on Drugs, part two

So let’s assume I’m a heroin addict in England. As I understand it, I go to my doctor, inform him or her and get a prescription for my drug at a very reasonable price. I also agree to consider some activities that might help me to stop being a heroin addict. Whether I do this immediately or not is up to me.

I do not have to break into all my neighbor’s homes to steal all their valuable possessions for which a pawn shop owner gives me ten percent of their value so I can buy heroin priced higher than necessary on the illegal market. Such an approach eliminates most of the criminal element from what is basically a health matter. The government also gets to stop wasting billions of dollars on the War on Drugs which is about as winnable as the War on Poverty and the War in Afghanistan!

So let’s review: making this change would stop a tremendous amount of crime, provide information for the drug addict to stop harmful behavior if inclined and save our government enough money to pay for a single payer health insurance system, my preference.

And I could go back to buying my razors off the shelf!

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Be kind. I'm so old a snide comment might be the end of me!