Friday, February 12, 2010

The American House of Lords

I’m trying to figure out why we shouldn’t demand that the U.S. Senate actually work for a living? A friend has suggested that they conduct themselves as our de facto House of Lords.

It occurred to me just how lazy Senators are when I was told that they don’t actually have to filibuster against a bill they disagree with, they can just suggest they will! How many mornings would you have loved to suggest to your employer that you intended to go to work but didn’t actually go and it still counted!

If they want to filibuster, they should do it. Don’t just threaten it and then go play racquetball. This job is apparently so easy that elderly people stay in it for decades. If it was a difficult job, perhaps there would be some turnover. It appears that their work consists entirely of shooting their mouths off and then listening to other Senators shooting their mouths off. No heavy lifting required.

We could demand some work by telling them to actually filibuster if they are inclined.

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Be kind. I'm so old a snide comment might be the end of me!