Health hysteria, individual or
environmental, is everywhere. Actually, rampant I believe. I used to think this
foolishness was confined to dopey, ex-hippies who claimed to be sensitive to or
negatively impacted by all sorts of things in life. Or generated by the Cosmic
Organics people who developed a rash if they inadvertently ate a tomato from
Nowadays, my local Senior Center has
notices on the doors saying you cannot wear any scent in the building. People
near where I live claim they get vertigo from a wind turbine located at some
distance from their homes. Others claim their children misbehave because of it.
A lady I know says she gets headaches from RF waves and won’t let the gas
company put a new meter on her house.
There are reasons New England has the
highest gasoline, home heating and electricity rates in the country. Proposals
to build refineries are always defeated, off or on shore LNG terminals are
protested, wind turbine farms are in court for ten years, high tension
electricity lines are halted.
I remember when a new soccer fields or
park or library was thought to be a good thing for the town. Not anymore. NIMBY
rules the land. An elderly couple here recently halted construction of a mixed
housing development because it would be on land behind their house and they
wanted the land, although it is privately owned, to remain undeveloped
regardless of the general welfare.
The larger issue, of course, is that we,
as a country, as a society, are totally unable to determine what would be in
our overall best interests and proceed from there. We use the Interstate Highway
System every day but are resigned to the fact that it could not be built, and
certainly cannot be expanded, today. We complain about the cost of gas and
electricity and heating oil but we refuse to do anything that would help to
reduce those costs. If the proposal adversely affects one nut, in good
conscience we cannot go forward.
This does not bode well for my town,
Massachusetts or America.
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Be kind. I'm so old a snide comment might be the end of me!