Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I need to know...

As I drove to South Carolina I noticed lots of license plates from Quebec. And as I got closer to Hilton Head, I saw lots of cars with license plates from Michigan. The thought occurred to me that perhaps no one remains in Quebec over the winter and maybe most people are leaving Michigan. Who could blame either group. It makes sense to me.

Both places are colder than you know what in the winter. And all the jobs in Michigan have left for places unknown. Places like South Carolina and Alabama and India and China. Probably people from Quebec also need a break from all that French language and unceasing romance. Especially us elderly.

Now, I’m assuming the travelers from Michigan, what without having jobs and all, probably don’t have to worry about health insurance except in the broadest sense of having none but what about all those Quebecois? Doesn’t Canada have, you know, socialized medicine? Who pays the medical bills of all these old geezers from up there when they spend the winter in Hilton Head?

They must get sick while they are here. Their blood must thin out awfully in the warm weather. Their resistance must get down to nothing. When they go to the doctor or the hospital do they present a card that says something like, “Health insurance provided by the Commonwealth of Canada, eh! Send us a bill. Keep your stick on the ice, eh!”

If anyone is left in Quebec, could you let me know? You betcha!


  1. Doesn’t Canada have, you know, socialized medicine?

    Here's a better question - does anybody in Canada risk bankruptcy when faced with a health problem?

  2. I agree that is a better question if we were debating approaches to health insurance. But that was not the tone I was taking, ya know? Literary license or something like that.


Be kind. I'm so old a snide comment might be the end of me!