Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Class Reunion

My 45th high school class reunion is this June. I have only ever attended one, my 20th. That party was way too noisy to really talk, which I had mistakenly thought might be the point after not seeing certain people for years. There was a band or disc jockey and, wow, it was loud. Martha and I finally called it a night and went to bed fairly early.

The other thing I noticed was that many people were still living in the home town and knew each other well. They tended to stick together. Some of the old groups from high school got right back together like no time had intervened. It was no easier trying to talk to people at the 20th reunion than it had been at a social in high school!

Martha, by the way, never expressed any interest in attending a reunion which, now that I think about it, seems a little odd to me. She was a Majorette, after all, very popular and had wonderful friends all through high school.

A lot happened to me in high school but mostly I got through that period fairly oblivious to the things high schoolers tend to dwell on. I too had good friends and, I guess, if I knew certain folks were planning to attend that might push me in the direction of attending.

But, at the moment, I’m sort of unsure. I have never lived in the old home town since my second year in college although I do go back regularly as my two brothers live there. I haven’t seen anyone I knew in high school for many years. A few of us have taken to communicating via Facebook recently and I enjoy that.

I know some people will be traveling long distances to attend. It seems silly, since I’m only a 100 miles or so away from the site of the event, not to attend. Anyone have any advice?

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Be kind. I'm so old a snide comment might be the end of me!